The eighth grader is forced to smoke cigarettes. — Image from clip on social network

Students should be protected and kept safe, the Hà Nội Department of Education and Training (DoET) said following disturbing footage of a teenager in the capital being stripped, beaten, and bullied.

The DoET called on all local authorities to take strong measures to protect youngsters in the summer while the police investigate.

Last Thursday, images of the beating of an eighth-grade student in Chương Mỹ District were posted on social networks, causing widespread anger.

The district Sub-department of Education and Training sent a report on the case to the DoET.

Deputy Chairman of the Chương Mỹ District People’s Committee Hoàng Minh Hiến said that the incident had happened in Hoàng Văn Thụ Ward.

Stemming from a personal conflict, N.T.T from class 8A and C.V.P.N from class 6B of the Hoàng Văn Thụ Junior Secondary School scheduled a meet up, supposedly to talk.

N. called some friends to go with her. When they met, the young teenager, T. was beaten, stripped of her clothes and forced to smoke cigarettes by N.’s group.

All of the actions were filmed and posted on social networks.

Hiến said that after the incident, T. suffered psychological shock and was being treated at the hospital.

The district People's Committee directed local police to urgently investigate the case and handle it according to the laws.

The committee also directed the district Sub-department of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs, Sub-department of Education and Training and related agencies to coordinate with the school and local authorities to visit T. and her family.

The police’s initial investigation showed that seven students were involved in the case. — VNS