The K (Cancer) Hospital successfully operated on a 22-year-old woman and removed a huge ovarian tumour that weighed 16kg on Wednesday.


“This is the largest ovarian tumour that doctors have ever removed at this hospital. The patient faced a high risk of mortality without the operation,” Dr Le Duc Chinh, head of the hospital’s gynaecological surgery department, said.

The patient, Hoang Thi Van, is a resident Bac Giang Province’s Luc Ngan District. When she was hospitalised, the tumour made her seem like a woman in her final term of pregnancy, doctors said.

Doctors said the tumour had been causing her pain, vomiting, and eating, respiratory and movement difficulties. Scans showed that the tumour had occupied her whole abdomen, hampering her liver, stomach and kidney functioning.

After surgery, Van’s weight dropped to 31kg from 47kg. She is in a stable condition and under close supervision in the hospital’s ICU.

In March 2016, Van had undergone surgery at the Bac Ninh General Hospital to remove another ovarian tumour.