Hanoi has considered the use of geographic positioning chips for the management of local dogs.


The Hanoi Animal Health Department has been working with some concerned organisations to develop a software-based dog management plan.    

Hanoi has considered the use of geographic positioning chips for the management of local dogs

Under the plan, dogs would be chipped with information about the dog’s birth year, vaccination as well as their identification features.

According to the department, the chip would help slash dog theft and stray dogs.

Hanoi has called on residents to stop eating cats and dogs and prevent the spreading of diseases.

Since November this year, the city has started catching stray and unattended dogs as part of efforts to fight against rabies.

The dogcatchers have to date caught 12 stray dogs, fining nine dog owners; while three ownerless others have been sent to the Centre of Pet Animal Protection and Studies.

According to Hanoi Animal Health Department, 493,000 dogs lived in Hanoi, the highest figure in the country. 

Lao Dong/Dtinews