Expenses for the launching of basic projects and constructions will be reduced by 100 per cent in the 2016-20 period, according to the Hanoi People’s Committee.


National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan at the launching ceremony of the Hà Nội School of Public Health in 2016. 


However, these do not include national projects that add great value to the socio-economic development of the city, the committee said.

This decision is included in a programme on saving national resources in the four-year period, which was recently issued by chairman of the city’s People’s Committee Nguyen Duc Chung, the Tien Phong (Vanguard) newspaper reported on Tuesday. 

The city will also reduce 10 per cent of recurrent expenditure from the government’s budget until 2020, as well as 12 per cent of the expenses for organising seminars, conferences, festivals and ceremonies.

It also aims to reduce 15 per cent of expenses on sending diplomatic delegations to foreign countries and welcoming foreign diplomatic delegations to Viet Nam, as well as not including the expenses of the former (taking diplomatic delegation to foreign countries) in the country’s recurrent expenditure.

Scientific research proposals that are repetitive and infeasible will not be approved and funded, the programme states.

All houses and lands that were provided for government officials in the city that have not been used effectively or used for wrong purposes will be confiscated by 2020, it says.

Saving national resources must start from the expenditure planning period and will be used as a criterion to evaluate, remunerate and designate government officials, the committee said.