Hanoi authorities are destroying pavements to widen the streets as an attempt to curb congestion, according to a decision by the Department of Transport.



Many trees on Lang Street are being felled down to widen the street

The VND125bn (USD5.4m) project would widen Pham Hung, Lang, Khuat Duy Tien, and Nguyen Xuan Yem- Nguyen Xien streets by narrowing the pavements and the median.

The city authorities will spend over VND24bn (USD1m) to widen over 3km-long section from Tran Duy Hung-Khuat Duy Tien intersection to Mai Dich and over VND64bn to fell 105 trees and relocate 371 trees during and after the project. The construction units have started working since January 1 to complete the project by Tet.

Do Duc Trung, a garage owner, approved of the project and said the authorities should have cut off the median strip sooner. "The rush hours start from 4.30 pm to 7 pm on Pham Hung Street. Huge trucks from the Ring Road 3 take up most of the street, leaving very small spaces for other vehicles while the median strip is very large," he said.

Do Gia Binh, a local on Lang Street, said he welcomed the change since it could prevent congestion even though he felt sad that the flowers bushes and trees by the river would be lost.

"Many elderly people get up early for morning exercises there. Now they won't have anywhere else to go to," he said.

Many people have expressed worry over the project on Lang Street since nearly 500 trees will be felled or relocated. However, the Department of Transport claimed the old African mahogany won't be affected since they were planted on the median strip and only the pavement near the river would be narrowed.

The affected trees are young flame trees and crepe myrtle. 105 trees are reportedly sickly and will be felled while the rest will be planted near Thang Long Avenue.

In the future, the local authorities will continue reviewing other streets for revision.

Tien Phong/Dtinews