More lakes in Hanoi have been filled for housing, while the construction of proper water drainage systems has not received sufficient attention, which has caused more serious floods for the city after downpours.

Recent heavy rains put many areas in Hanoi, particularly those in the west and south-west of Hanoi under water. Lots of urban areas in Hoai Duc District and along Thang Long Avenue were flooded following a downpour on July 13. 

The water even flooded into houses of some residential areas such as Geleximco in Hoai Duc District.

According to Architect Pham Thanh Tung, head of the Vietnam Association of Architects, said that the problem may occur more in the west and south-west of Hanoi, particularly Hoai Duc and Ha Dong districts.

Tung explained that most of the newly-built urban areas in these two districts were located in areas which were previously lakes, ponds and paddy fields. Lakes and ponds are seen as effective water drainage channels for Hanoi, but many of them have been filled in for construction projects.

Project investors often care for how to sell as many apartments as possible but do not pay attention to water drainage systems in urban areas. This violates the principle that at least 20% of each urban area project is needed for building lakes, roads and green space.  

He noted that Hanoi has coped with more floods since it was expanded in 2008 by merging with Ha Tay Province, Vinh Phuc Province's Me Linh District and four communes from Hoa Binh Province. This has been blamed for urban planning problems.

Experts said that Hanoi is 3.5 to 9 metres above sea level, which is higher than Haiphong and other cities, so the flooding is not due to the terrain, but instead an outdated urban drainage system consisting of small pipes with limited capacity that can easily get blocked by sediment buildup.  

Some photos of the streets being flooded after a downpour on July 13:



Thang Long Avenue seriously flooded on July 13 morning.


Thang Long Avenue put under water following the heavy rain on July 13 morning






Urban areas along Le Trong Tan Street in Hoai Duc District






An Khanh urban area in Hoai Duc District 



Many vehicles stalled their engines
