Hanoi People's Council has pointed out the lack of classrooms and fund for equipment after the inspection at several schools in the city for education development and planning to 2020, with vision to 2030.


   Schools in Hanoi are overcrowded

According to the inspection team, population growth is causing overcrowding at schools. Dong Da District, with 41,000 inhabitants, still lacks two primary schools and five secondary schools. 

The allocated land for education facilities are insufficient. Meanwhile the existing schools are small and located next to the residential areas so they can't expand.

Ha Dong District also faces the same problem with Bac Thang Long Industrial Zone alone needs one more primary and one secondary schools. 

According to the report, the capacity and abilities among the schools are not equal. Many schools can't make effective long-term educational development plans.

Even the suburbs also lack land for schools because of rapid population growth. Both educational quality and study time in Ba Vi District are lower than average because of the lack of classrooms. 

Normally, pupils have classes in morning and evening but schools in Ba Vi can only let students study half a day. 

Difficult ground clearance is a hinder to the urban planning and limited state budget can't cover all the construction cost for nursery to primary and secondary schools. 

Most schools are only able to repair their classrooms and still need funding for equipment. Many schools also don't have science labs or computer rooms.
