A road accident in Hanoi last week turned violent as a foreigner and two local men fought.


The foreigner was left with the bloody nose

According to a video posted on Vietnamese social network Saturday, the foreign man wearing a black helmet and a Vietnamese man with a blue T-shirt rushed to fight despite passers-by attempting to intervene.    

Right after that, another Vietnamese man in black T-shirt completely unrelated to the first incident began to attack the foreigner. The situation continued while a young Vietnamese woman who was said to be the foreigner's girlfriend tried to deescalate the situation.

The Vietnamese man in black T-shirt tried to use a piece of brick on the pavement to attack the foreigner. He also assaulted the woman. The man was left with a black eye while the foreign man was left with a bloody nose.

The three only stopped when police came.  

Some witnesses said that the fight on Tran Khat Chan Street started when the man drove his car over the foreigner’s foot. The foreigner told the driver to stop the car so that he could take his shoe, but the driver did not do. So, the foreigner hit the car mirror.  

The driver then got out of his car and attacked the foreigner.

The two Vietnamese men and the foreigner went to the local police station where police made them apologise to each other.  
