Stiffer penalties and more solutions are needed in order to prevent parking lots from violating regulations, the finance department of Ha Noi said.


Seventeen parking lots in Ha Noi were examined by the city's finance department and other authorities in accordance with an order from the Ha Noi People's Committee, which required parking lots to strictly follow regulations before, during and after the Lunar New Year.

Of those, fifteen lots were reportedly overcharging customers and exceeded the area of the pavement allowed for vehicle parking.

"By February 17, the fines imposed on parking lots violating regulations amounted to more than VND100 million (USVND99,227,340)," Vuong Hang, deputy head of price board under the finance department of Ha Noi, said.

Two parking lots in front of and behind the Central Eye Hospital, which were managed by Anh Duy Ltd, were levied a fine of nearly VND9 million (VND8,939,400) for illegally increasing parking fees.

A parking lot on the path that leads to Phu Tay Ho (West Lake Shrine), managed by Huy Khanh transport company, was fined VND12 million (VND11,911,751) for taking up a larger area of payment than allowed.

Also, a fine of VND8 million (VND7,933,718) was imposed on two coffee shops, No. 43 and 45A on Bui Thi Xuan Street, for operating parking lots without licences.

However, according to Hang, the fines for parking lots violating regulations stated in Decree No. 109 were not stiff enough, compared to the severity of their violations.

According to the decree, if the violation amount is less than VND10 million (VND9,922,734), individuals will be charged from VND500,000 to VND1 million (VND491,667-44), and organisations will be charged between VND1 million and VND2 million (VND983,334-88).

A fine of more than VND1 million (VND983,334) will be imposed on violations that range from VND10 million to VND30 million (VND9,922,734-1,330).

"Such small fines are not enough to deter parking lot owners from increasing their fees," Hang said, adding, "That is the reason they keep violating regulations."

The department proposed to the Ministry of Finance to mend Decree No. 109 and double the fines, she said.

It also proposed that the decree specify regulations on returning the total amount of violated fees, contributing the violated fees to the State's budget, as well as charge fees on parking lots that violate regulations.

"The solutions will be included in the draft amendment for the decree," Hang said. 


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