Many hydrants in Hanoi do not work while the city lacks water sources for firefighting and measures to tackle high-rise fires.



A hydrant breaks down in Hanoi

Colonel Bui Quang Viet, vice head of the city fire department, said at a meeting about fire safety in Hanoi on April 3 that last year Hanoi lacked 4,000 hydrants of which 300 didn't have water. "I hope the city will deal with this immediately so that there's enough water for firefighting," he said.

According to Major General Hoang Quoc Dinh, Director of the Hanoi Police Department of Fire Fighting and Prevention, water for daily activities is lacking in many residential areas, let alone for fire department. When being asked about measures to tackle high-rise fires, Dinh said they had planned on buying firefighting helicopters for 2025-2030 period.

"Vietnam's current socio-economic conditions and infrastructure are not suitable for firefighting helicopters as we'll need helipads and measures to manage air traffic," he said.

He also advised against mini-apartment buildings due to various problems in building permits and fire safety. In the coming time, the government will tighten management over these types of apartment buildings.

Hanoi Vice Chairman Nguyen Van Suu criticised the Department of Construction for not installing 3,477 hydrants while the city is in need of 570 hydrants immediately.    

"There is only four to five cubic metres of water in the fire truck. The firefighters then must use water from the nearest sources, they can't run to some far-away lake or canal," he said.

Suu ordered to deal with 29 apartment buildings that haven't met fire safety standards. About 14 buildings that can be installed fire safety equipment immediately must be dealt with by April 30. He also ordered the prosecution of stubborn investors.

Three apartment blocks including CT4, CT5, CT6 and B in Ha Dong District invested by Song Da 1 JSC and Ha Chau OSC Company will be investigated for various violations. According to the city fire department, they had transferred the cases to the police as the investors have been fined many times but have still refused to improve fire safety standards.

Hanoi has experienced some 1,100 fires since 2007, causing over VND600bn in damage, leaving 24 people were 18 were injured. Most of the fires were in the city centre and private firms.
