Hanoi’s Department of Information and Communications hosted a conference on July 14 to launch online public services at level 3 and 4.


A business processes document procedures at Hanoi Customs Department

In order to prepare for the launching of 375 online administrative procedures at level 3 and 4 this year, the department will conduct a survey in six departments, namely Education and Training; Health; Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs; Industry and Trade; Justice, and Internal Affairs. 

The agency also urged Nhat Cuong Company to complete the software for one-stop public services at three levels, thus laying a foundation for deploying online public services at level 3 and 4.

The department also consulted with the municipal People’s Committee to issue a list of 201 online public services at level 3 and 4 to realise the target of over 50 percent of the city’s administrative procedures provided online.

To date, the city has launched 81 out of 96 online public services, accounting for 84.4 percent of the total. Sixty two of them have officially been operated, or 63.3 percent.