Hanoi’s leader has promised to solve all issues in the daily lives of all workers in the city soon, including shortages of housing, cultural activities, kindergartens and medical centres at industrial zones.


Chairman of the city’s People’s Committee Nguyen Duc Chung

Speaking at a dialogue between the city and nearly 1,000 workers representing more than 150,000 workers from industrial zones (IZ) and processing zones in the city at Noi Bai Industrial Zone on May 19, Chairman of the municipal People’s Committee Nguyen Duc Chung said he would direct sectors and agencies to work on the issues right after the meeting.

At the dialogue, Chung talked to workers and listened to their questions and comments on lifestyle, insurance, healthcare and education.

He affirmed that the city serves the people and businesses to the utmost in line with the Government’s instructions.

He added that the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour has agreed to spend 700-800 billion VND (31.1-35.5 million USD) to build housing for workers in Hanoi.

“The city also has a budget to build housing complexes with cultural institutions and services to create better living conditions for workers,” he said.

The workers expressed their concerns about traffic safety near their workplaces, especially the Quang Minh IZ in Me Linh district and Bac Thang Long IZ in Dong Anh district.

They urged the city to build low-cost housing like in the southern province of Binh Duong, set up medical centres in IZs for workers and help workers renting houses install electricity metres and pay State-mandated electricity prices instead of prices set by landlords.

Many workers asked the city leader to instruct local authorities to help workers from other cities and provinces to send their children to local public schools via flexible rules on school hours and documents of origin.

Phan Thanh Hai, Chairman of Meiko Electronics Vietnam’s Trade Union in Thach That said that Thach That and Quoc Oai districts had built housing complexes but few workers lived in them.

He said that workers couldn’t afford the houses due to high prices and bank interest rates.

“Workers expect the city to soon plan to build low-income housing, sell installments at industrial parks, help workers reduce their rent, travel expenses and working hours,” he said.

Some workers said that each IZ should have a cultural house and amusement park for workers and their children to enjoy.

At the same time, to ensure the health of workers and their families, food quality in the markets around the industrial zone should be ensured by the city, they said.