The Hanoi People’s Committee has approved FPT Information System (FIS)’s proposal to develop an intelligent transport system (ITS) to improve traffic flow in the city.


Based on the city’s smart traffic control system, the ITS will include ten components, including control centre, traffic control system, system for traffic monitoring and information collection, traffic update system, safety and security system, emergency control system, and system for transport infrastructure management.

FIS, a member of FPT Corporation, plans to implement four components this year with the first phase of the project operational by December. 

It will build the system for traffic monitoring and information collection (through traffic cameras and GPS devices) from June to November. The traffic update system and system for transport infrastructure management are scheduled to be put into use on September 2 while the system for public bus transport management is expected to be completed in October.

According to the proposal, FPT is responsible for investing in the systems as well as carrying out necessary maintenance while Hanoi will pay for FPT’s IT services in the first phase. 

In the second phase from 2018-2020, the project will be operated under a public-private partnership contract.

Hanoi is aiming to build a “smart city” to solve its problems in traffic, environment and health care. The ITS aims to reduce congestion and lessen the impacts of heavy traffic on the environment and prevent accidents.