Police in Hanoi have arrested Nguyen Mau Chien and some others who are alleged members of a trans-boundary wildlife trafficking ring.


Wildlife products seized at Nguyen Mau Chien's house in Hanoi 

The police seized nearly 36 kilograms of rhino horn, two frozen tiger cubs, and other wildlife products.

The capture strikes a blow on those who are suspected to have involved in smuggling rhino horns, ivories and other wild animal products from Africa to Vietnam.

After a period of follow-up, the municipal competent agencies on April 27 caught two people carrying 33 kilograms of rhino horn at Hanoi Railway Station.

Police then raided the house of Nguyen Mau Chien – the suspected kingpin – and found another three kilograms of rhino horn, two frozen tiger cubs, elephant tusks, lion pelts and ivory products.

In 2007, Chien was arrested in Africa and received administrative punishment for smuggling some wildlife products.

In 2015-2016, several tonnes of ivories, rhino horns, and pangolin scab – which were supposed to belong to Chien - were seized at major ports in Vietnam such as Hai Phong, Da Nang, and Ho Chi Minh City.

Vice Director of Education for Nature Vietnam (ENV) said the discovery is an important breakthrough in the investigation efforts to crack down on illegal trade of wildlife products in Vietnam.