The People’s Procuracy of My Duc district, Hanoi has issued an indictment to prosecute 14 former officials and leaders of Dong Tam commune and the district for land violations.


19 officials set free by residents in Dong Tam commune after chairman of the Hanoi People’s Committee Nguyen Duc Chung holds dialogue with them in April 

A source from the People’s Procuracy said that the case’s indictment has been transferred to the district People’s Court. The 14 accused are expected to go on trial in mid-July.

They comprise former officials and leaders of Dong Tam commune and some departments of My Duc district, charged with abusing positions and power while being on duty and irresponsibility causing serious consequences.

Former officials of Dong Tam commune include three People’s Committee chairmen, a Party Committee secretary, People’s Council chairman, head of financial board and police chief.

According to the case’s record, the former leaders and officials of Dong Tam commune slackened management in land field during their office terms from 2002-2013. Because of self-interested motivations, they had wrongly and improperly allocated land to some households.

Officials of My Duc district’s Land Registration Department and Natural Resources and Environment Department have been charged with not fulfilling duties and irresponsibility in assessing and verifying land origin, leading them to sign groundless confirmation papers.


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