As the Tet (Lunar New Year) approaches, a number of public places are being upgraded to make the capital more beautiful.


Dong Kinh Nghia Thuc square, the large public space at the top of Hoan Kiem Lake, was decorated with artificial flowers. However, it was demolished just a few days later after receiving feedback from local residents.

According to To Van Dong, director of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the decorative flowers will be repaired to make them perfect.

Dong said he wanted to continue to get comments from local people for more suggestions.

Earlier, the images of new decorations at water fountains at the Dong Kinh Nghia Thuc Square were hot topic for discussion at social networks.

Pictures of flowers drooping and the strange colour especially when there is light – the colour of pink flowers become blue – led many to wonder what this flower was and why the flowers had such a strange colour.

Some people guessed it was lily while other people said it was morning glory or some even called it meat-eating plants.







Like other readers, I agreed with them that it should be beautiful. It didn't matter what the flower was and what colour it was. Art was something that can be creative.

If the flowers were removed because many people didn't know the name of the flower, it was necessary to post a signboard explaining the name of the flower and its specialty.

In July last year, public concern had been raised over the new colour of the Ha Noi Opera House after recent maintenance.

Residents in the capital were surprised by the face lift of the House, which had been painted a bright and modern colour.

And then the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism agreed with cultural experts and architects that it should adhere to the building's original historic and architectural values.


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