Trucks that weigh over 50 tonnes and coaches with more than 25 seats are banned from entering several streets in Hanoi as three regionalsummits take place here on October 24-26.

The three summits include the 7th Ayeyawady-ChaoPhraya-Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy Summit (ACMECS), the 8thCambodia-Lao PDR-Myanmar-Vietnam Summit (CLMV) and the World Economic Forum onMekong Summit (WEF-Mekong).

These trucks and coaches have been prohibited from enteringfive major streets from 06:00 to 09:00, 11:00 to 14:30 and 16:00 to 18:00daily.

The restricted streets are Phạm Hùng Street (the stretchfrom Me Tri Ward to Tran Duy Hung Street), the Thang Long Highway (the stretchthat passes the National Convention Centre and the stretch from Tran Duy Hung to Le Quang Dao), Do Duc Duc Street, Tran Duy Hung Street (the stretch from Hoang Dao Thuy to Pham Hung) and Nguyen Chi Thanh Street (the stretch that runs towards Tran Duy Hung).

Alternative routes have been mapped out for the restrictedtrucks and coaches.

The Hanoi police have requested all vehicles to followtraffic rules and also pull over to the right side of the roads to give way toon-duty vehicles.

Trucks that want to travel from the southern to the northernprovinces can go in the direction of the highway stretch of Ring Road 3-Pham Van Dong Street to get to Thang Long Bridge, or go in the direction of Khuat Duy Tien-Nguyen Trai-Le Van Luong to get to the city centre.

Those coming from the northern provinces can get to the citycentre using the following routes: Pham Van Dong-Hoang Quoc Viet, Pham Van Dong-Tran Quoc Hoan, Pham Van Dong-Xuan Thuy, or go in the direction of Ho Tung Mau-National Highway 32 to travel west.

Trucks that weigh from 10 to 50 tonnes can go from north tosouth using the following route: National Highway 6-Xuan Mai-Ho Chi Minh Highway-Thang Long Highway-Provincial Highway 70-Nhon-National Highway 32-Ho Tung Mau-Pham Van Dong-Thang Long Bridge, and vice versa.