A train at the Nhổn - Hà Nội Station urban railway line. VNA/VNS Photo Tuấn Anh

Hà Nội's second urban railway, the Nhổn - Hà Nội Station line, has reached a major milestone, with all ten trains receiving the Certificate of Quality, Technical Safety and Environmental Protection from the Việt Nam Register.

This is a significant achievement that ensures the trains have met all environmental, quality and safety standards, making them ready for commercial operation by the end of June or early July.

The certification process is carried out by relevant authorities based on the Railway Law and Circular No 29/2018/TT-BGTVT, which stipulates that trains must be inspected for adherence to quality, technical safety and environmental standards for railway vehicles.

All ten trains on the Nhổn - Hà Nội line have been affixed with inspection stamps to show that they have passed the relevant standards and technical regulations.

The Nhổn - Hà Nội Station pilot urban railway project is a crucial transportation project for the capital city that aims to reduce traffic congestion, improve public transport systems and contribute to environmental protection. The certification of the trains demonstrates the quality of the vehicles and the concerted efforts of all parties involved in bringing the project into official operation, ensuring maximum safety for users.

As part of the urban railway project No 3, the Nhổn - Hà Nội Station line utilises ten trains specifically designed by French manufacturer Alstom. With the theme 'Green Journey,' the trains feature three colours: lime green, pinkish-red and white, with the train’s front end displaying the iconic symbol of Khuê Văn Các, a distinctive hallmark of Hà Nội.

The trains run continuously on a standard gauge (1,435mm) railway. The train body is made from lightweight, durable aluminium alloy, which is environmentally friendly. The trains are designed to the latest European standards, offering a luxurious, modern and fully equipped interior tailored to meet Vietnamese needs.

The trains, one of Alstom's modern products, come with full amenities such as air conditioning, ventilation, passenger announcement systems, cameras, independent fire and smoke detection systems and LED lighting that automatically adjusts to suit underground sections. The interior, featuring bright colours and white LED lights, provides a spacious and comfortable experience for passengers.

Notably, the trains use a Communication-Based Train Control (CBTC) signalling system named URBALIS, an advanced Alstom solution that creates a flexible control system structure optimised for safety and uninterrupted service for passengers. Each train configuration consists of four cars: two motor cars with cabins, one motor car and one trailer car.

The trains can carry up to 1,124 passengers per train, with a density of up to around eight people per sq.m, and operate at a commercial speed of 35kph and a design speed of 80kph.

They use a low-voltage DC traction system of 750VDC with a third rail, featuring a compact, simple, robust structure, low construction and maintenance costs and enhanced urban aesthetics. The braking system includes regenerative braking to reduce energy consumption and maintenance costs. The trains have low floors for easy boarding, especially convenient for passengers with luggage or those in wheelchairs. Additionally, there are priority areas for the disabled, elderly, women and children.

The elevated section of the Nhổn - Hà Nội Station line includes eight stations, extending over eight kilometres from Nhổn Station in Bắc Từ Liêm District to Cầu Giấy Station in Cầu Giấy District. After 14 years of construction, the launch of this urban railway line is highly anticipated by the residents of the capital. — VNS