It is only one more Sunday left before Santa Claus comes to Hanoi but Christmas atmosphere with brightly coloured lights has warmed up all Hanoi streets.

hanoi streets lit up as merry christmas is coming hinh 1

Christmas trees and gifts sold in Hang Ma Street

hanoi streets lit up as merry christmas is coming hinh 2

hanoi streets lit up as merry christmas is coming hinh 3

Eye-catching decors on Hang Ma Street

hanoi streets lit up as merry christmas is coming hinh 4

Traditional Christmas trees with Santa Claus

hanoi streets lit up as merry christmas is coming hinh 5

hanoi streets lit up as merry christmas is coming hinh 6

A shop staff preparing Christmas gifts for sale

hanoi streets lit up as merry christmas is coming hinh 7

hanoi streets lit up as merry christmas is coming hinh 8

hanoi streets lit up as merry christmas is coming hinh 9

hanoi streets lit up as merry christmas is coming hinh 10

A coffee shop decorated with Christmas trees

hanoi streets lit up as merry christmas is coming hinh 11

hanoi streets lit up as merry christmas is coming hinh 12

hanoi streets lit up as merry christmas is coming hinh 13

hanoi streets lit up as merry christmas is coming hinh 14