Despite the efforts of Hanoi authorities to prevent congestion, the number of personal vehicles has grown much faster than the city’s infrastructure.



Hanoi struggles with congestion

In order to deal with congestion for 2015 and 2016, the Department of Transport wants to re-divide lanes and build more overpasses. As the result, many congestion hot spots such as Tay Son-Chua Boc, Thai Ha-Lang Ha and Le Van Luong-Lang conjunctions have improved. From 2014 to 2016, congestion-prone spots were reduced from 41 to 31.

However, it didn't last long as the number of congestion-prone spots in 2017 reached 37, of which 13 were locations that had previously been dealt with. According to the traffic police and the Department of Transport, the number of personal vehicles, combined with planning permission being given to inner city housing and shopping developments were to blame.

The Transport Engineering Design Inc said that Hanoi's streets were three to four times over their capacity. The density of vehicles on Le Van Luong, Lang and Pham Hung streets are 22 times higher than capacity during peak hours.

Doan Minh Tam, Former Director of the Institute of Transport Science and Technology, said many Asian countries had successfully limited the number of vehicles on overloaded streets.

According to Bui Danh Lien, deputy head of Hanoi Transport Association, Hanoi had 2.2 million personal vehicle in late 2008, including185,000 cars. By the end of 2017, it had 6 million vehicles with 540,000 cars and 5.4 million motorbikes.

In the first eight months of 2018, over 38,000 new cars and 170,000 motorbikes were registered. Not to mention 1,2 million vehicles from other provinces.

The number of taxi and passenger cars with less than nine seats increased from 17,400 to 20,000 since 2012. The Department of Transport also issued licenses to 21,800 cars that participated in the app-based taxi programme.

tienphong, dtinews