The Police Investigation Agency of Hanoi’s Long Bien district on June 22 issued a decision launching criminal proceedings against and detained three people for illegal drug possession. 

The accused are Nguyen Le Binh, 50, residing in Dong Da district; Hong Minh Duc, 44 and Le Thuy Lan, 48, both residing in Long Bien district. 

According to the police, on May 14, a working group of the Long Bien district’s anti-drug force in coordination with Ngoc Thuy ward’s police conducted an administration check of a house in the ward. At the house, they found Binh and Duc keeping 191 amphetamine tablets and some weapons in their bags. 

The police also found some white crystal substance in the house, which then was identified as ketamine. 

At the police station, Binh admitted that he made friend with a woman named Le Thuy Lan on social media. On May 14, Binh went to Lan’s house in Ngoc Thuy ward. He was asking Lan’s boyfriend, Duc, to use drug with him when the police came in. 

Lan told the police that she picked up a bag containing dug at a market then she kept the drug and used with her friends. 

 The case is being further investigated by the agency.-VNA