Permanent Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son and World Economic Forum President Borge Brende co-chaired a press conference on the World Economic Forum on ASEAN 2018 in Hanoi on June 27.

The World Economic Forum on ASEAN 2018 is scheduled to take place from September 11-13, drawing the participatient of top leaders of economic groups in the region and the world.

There will be 55 discussion sessions within the framework of the event, with focus on issues that ASEAN governments, businesses and people concern.

Permanent Deputy Minister Son said this year’s theme suits the interest of ASEAN member countries and regional countries, and links with the bloc’s theme of buillding  a resillient and innovative ASEAN.

This is not only an opportunity for Vietnam to popularise its image to the regional and global businesses, but also manifests the country’s effective and responsible contributions to addressing issues of common concern in development and integration, he noted.

Brende said the 4.0 industrial revolution brings along both opportunities and challenges for ASEAN, adding that the WEF wants more collaboration with the bloc’s member countries to cope with these challenges for the benefits of the people-VNA