The Hanoi Department of Transport has proposed launching a second Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) route connecting Lang – Hoa Lac hi-tech zone and Kim Ma street, Ba Dinh district, Deputy Director of the Department Ngo Manh Tuan said on February 21.


BRT helps address traffic jam in Hanoi

The second BRT bus is expected to be put into operation in the first quarter of this year, or the second quarter at the latest, according to Tuan.

The first BRT, put into use about a month ago, has proven effective and gained public support, Tuan said, adding that the new route will connect with crowded residential areas.

The Department has rerouted five buses to increase connections with the BRT bus in urban areas, raising the number of passengers at the boarding point on Kim Ma street by 20 percent.

Road separation has been piloted at the three boarding points on Giang Vo, Nguyen Tuan and Hoang Dao Thuy streets to prevent vehicles from driving in the BRT lane. Traffic police have fined violators.

Statistics show that BRT Kim Ma – Yen Nghia transported 375,700 pasengers in January, the first month Hanoi has operated the new public transport service.

The Hanoi BRT project started in 2013 at a cost of 53.6 million USD, financed through World Bank loans.

The city plans to run eight BRT routes by 2030.