Hanoi will begin a USD4.54 million project to re-open railway arches running up to Long Bien Bridge from early next year.


Railway arches in Hanoi

Hanoi authorities will seek the co-operation of French consulting experts for the project study which has been approved by the Ministry of Transport.

Chairman of the Hanoi People’s Committee Nguyen Duc Chung, said that 127 spans of arches in Hanoi built during the French colonial period had been sealed by the city because of crime concerns. 

But now was a good time to re-open them not only to create a cultural space for residents and boost the city’s tourism but also facilitate traffic in the city centre, particularly via the narrow Gam Cau Street.

After being re-opened, the arches will be turned into coffee shops, art spaces and book shops and host art and cultural activities, he added.


According to Vietnam Railways, some railway arches have seen cracks, so, careful checks and assessments should be conducted.

Chairman Chung said that Hanoi had invited a French consulting firm to study the project. The firm had checked the railway blueprints and agreed the plan was feasible.

It is estimated the project would cost nearly VND100 billion (USD4.54 million) and a private company has made a bid to conduct the project, which is now being considered by the city.
