A group of young people have become a link between benefactors and poor workers through voluntary programs in Hanoi.


They are members of the Hanoi Young Inspirers Club.

Hanoi Young Inspirers Club is a community organization founded by students in Hanoi who want to share and realize creative ideas for the community’s benefits and exchange experiences with others.

Established late last year, the Hanoi Young Inspirers Club has only 20 members. Bui Dang Long, the club’s chief, said their first project, the “Warm Tet”, was implemented during the 2016 traditional Lunar New Year.

Long said despite the lack of experience, the club’s management board found it important to identify who would benefit from the program most.

He explained, "We usually focus on poor workers, patients, people with disabilities, and the homeless. But in this program, we only targeted poor workers because when we did a pilot program, we found that poor workers had to work hard but earned very little and couldn’t cover their daily needs. We thought they are the people we need to care more.”

To date, the club has helped about 800 people, most of them are disadvantaged workers and poor patients at three major hospitals in Hanoi – the Central Pediatrics Hospital, the Central Military Hospital 108, and the National Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion.  

Hundreds of loaves of bread, and meals have been handed to these patients.

Vu Kim Chi, a second year student of Thang Long University and a club member, said, "I remember most the time when we delivered porridge at the Central Military Hospital 108. In most cases, I ladled out almost full of a rice box for a patient."

"But on that day when I was spooning up for an uncle, he stopped me and told me to take just enough for him to leave for latecomers. I was very confused and thought whether or not I’m too well-fed and sometimes I’ve misspent many things that others really need,” she added.

The club’s first project “Warm Tet” has received much attention and support from individuals and organizations.