In the world, there are an array of urban railways and direct train stations through central areas like urban railway route No.2 and underground station C9 in Hanoi.

According to international experts, the would-be underground station C9 is safe and can ensure as well as promote the value of the Sword Lake’s historical heritage and cultural space.

Many benefits


Perspective of the underground station C9. 

Director of the Consulting Office for the urban railway route No.2 project Noboru Nagakawa said that urban railways are extremely important to any city in the world. With urban railways, Hanoi’s residents may consider limiting personal vehicles, reducing traffic congestion and protecting environment, especially in the urban core. 

Urban railway route No.2 has a great significance for Hanoi, because it passes through the city’s downtown area where the old streets, tourist attractions, monuments and crowded commercial centers converge, Nagakawa added.

Noboru Nagakawa took the example in Japan that in the imperial capital of Kyoto, just below the Emperial Palace, there is an urban railway running through. In Tokyo, next to the Kokyo Gaiety channel, which surrounds the Shogun Palace – Japan’s historical symbol, an urban railway was completed in about four years.

Nakagawa emphasized that Japan's urban railways are placed as close as possible to its heritage sites. Thus, it will help bring more tourists to these places, contributing to improving the value of the heritage as well as trade and tourism development.

Systra Group’s engineer David Chevallier said that France began building urban railways in 1890 with very rudimentary techniques. The urban railways were given priority to run through the center of Paris. These routes go underground many France's most valuable cultural, architectural and historical buildings such as the Notre Dame Cathedral and the Louvre Museum.

Urban railways are one of the most reliable and useful means for the French people, Parisian residents as well as tourists. They help bring more visitors, promote the image of the city’s heritages around the world and of course has an active role in the prosperous development of the city, David Chevallier added.

He also said that when building urban railways, Paris’ authority received a great deal of support from its residents, especially the residents living in heritage areas. Because they are the biggest beneficiaries from urban railways.

Controlling and preventing risks


The construction of the underground station C9 was publicized for ideas from Hanoi’s residents in March, 2018. 

Civil engineer of Hyundai E&C-Ghella joint venture, Romano Mauro Ruggero, said that many urban railways in the world were built hundreds of years ago, with rudimentary techniques but still ensured the safety.

Currently, the construction technology of underground urban railway has reached a very high level. The management, control and prevention of risks in the construction of underground stations are very effective and there is no need for safety concerns, Romano Mauro Ruggero added.

With 43 years of experience in the construction of urban railways and underground stations in many countries in the world such as Italy, Hong Kong, Denmark, Romano Mauro Ruggero confirmed that the construction technology Hanoi will apply to build underground station C9 is the best and absolutely safe.

In addition, before the construction, all risks will be taken into account, warning to Hanoi’s residents and the city’s authority, all preventive measures will be implemented. During the construction, the sensors detecting abnormal vibrations will be installed along the rails, only a small impact beyond the calculation will be detected in time to be processed, he stressed.

Preserving and promoting traditional values of Sword Lake’s space


Perspective of the underground station C9. 

According to experts, for a city with rapid growth like Hanoi, changes in landscape and infrastructure are inevitable. Hanoi needs to upgrade the urban transport system and help its residents and tourists reach the Sword Lake in an easier way. 

Dr. Dao Ngoc Nghiem - Vice Chairman of Hanoi Association of Planning and Urban Development said that underground station C9 was mentioned in the Sword Lake planning in 1996. In the master plan dated back in 1998, the Vietnamese government kept giving priority to the construction of an urban railway system with five routes, including the urban railway route No.2 (from Nam Thang Long to Tran Hung Dao).

From 2004 to 2007, Hanoi cooperated with the Japan Assistance Cooperation Agency (JICA) and Seoul city (South Korea) to implement the Hanoi Metropolitan Development Program (HAIDEP). The HAIDEP project indicated that the urban railway route No.2 must pass through the Sword Lake area, Nghiem said.

Before Hanoi expanded its administrative boundaries in 2008, the city’s authority also raised  the issue of implementing the urban railway route No.2 project. Foreign consultants supported and recommended the location of the underground station C9 next to the Sword Lake. After Hanoi’s expansion, it took more three years to study and consult with experts from France, the US, South Korea and Japan to review the plan, Nghiem added.

From the master plan in 1992 to the most recent plan of Hanoi, it is confirmed that urban railway No.2 needs to pass through Sword Lake and the location of the underground station C9 must be next to the Sword Lake. It also shows that the research for the underground station C9 has been meticulously done, the chosen position has been stable for a long time, Nghiem stressed.

Moreover, the Vietnam Association of Architects also agreed with urban railway No.2 and the location of the underground station C9. The project not only creates favorable conditions for people to travel, enjoy the scenery and beautiful relics around Sword Lake, but it also helps Hanoi make good use of the role and location of the Sword Lake - the cultural space for promoting the city and attracting tourists, Nghiem added.

Therefore, Hanoi’s authority should be determined to implement the project. Besides, it is also necessary to respect the result of a long, meticulous and sophisticated research. It should not depend on only some single dissenting opinions that affects the overall development in the capital, Nghiem affirmed.
