The People’s Committee of Tay Ho (West Lake) District of Hanoi has reacted to the recent rumour related to filling up the West Lake for building hotels.


Tay Ho District is carrying out a project to improve the environment of the West Lake in the area along Nguyen Dinh Thi Road.

The rumour was posted on a social network site with some photos showing two excavators filling up the lake.

Local authorities affirmed that the lake management board was carrying out a project to dredge some 30,000cu.m of mud on a 4ha area of along Nguyen Dinh Thi Road.

This was a project by the district to improve the environment of the lake which was approved in 2016, a representative of the committee told Dân trí online newspaper.

However, the project was delayed for a long time due to the local authorities asking the management board to apply advanced technology in improving environment of the lake.

The project has been appraised by the Department of Construction.

Dredging is expected to be completed next month.