The HCMC Ballet Symphony Orchestra and Opera (HBSO) will host “Classical Music in Movie,” a night of colorful music from the most popular films in the world, on April 8 and 9 at the City Opera House in HCMC’s District 1.


Winning violinist Duong Minh Chinh

“Classical Music in Movie” will present to the audiences amazing musical pieces of well-known and award-winning movies like The Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, The Sound of Music, Pirates of the Carribean, and The Phantom of the Opera. 

This performance is staged and conducted by Lim Jun Oh, a talented conductor from Korea who has done more than 700 concerts around the world.

Two extremely emotional works for the violin in “Cinema Paradiso” and “Schindler’s List” will be performed by the talented Vietnamese violinist Duong Minh Chinh, who has won the Special Prize at the International Violin Competition Wieniawsky in Poland and the first prize at the International Violin Competition in Austria. 

Veteran clarinet artist Dao Nhat Quang will perform the music of two famous films “The Mission” and “Out of Africa.”

Since the end of the 19th century, when recording techniques for music and sound in movies have not developed, music has been an important element in parallel with the image to lead and emphasize the emotion conveyed in the films. 

At that time music was performed live in the chamber, using the piano, organ, chamber music and sometimes an orchestra.

In the twentieth century, the support of sound technology has made a big turning point in the soundtrack making industry. 

The music tied to each action coupled with the development of the film creates a powerful effect, greatly contributing to the success of the art of cinema. 

And the first successful person in this field, who is considered the “father” of soundtrack, is Austrian composer Max Steiner with King Kong (1993).

Since then, the soundtrack has developed into a separate type of music with specific characteristics closely associated with the art of cinema and sometimes enjoyed as independent music works. 

Sometimes moviemakers also use successful works from world classical music’s treasures that are suitable for the plot of the films.

Tickets to the show are priced from VND200,000 per person.

The City Opera House is located at 7 Lam Son Square, District 1, HCMC.