The HCM City People’s Committee has approved a proposal by the Department of Transport to increase the fees for automobiles parked on roadsides and pavements.


The fee will be VNĐ20,000-25,000 (US$0.88-1.1) per hour for the first and second hours, VNĐ25,000-30,000 for the third and fourth, and VNĐ30,000-35,000 from the fifth onwards.

At the moment the parking fee is VNĐ5,000 irrespective of the length of time.

Automobiles are categorised into two groups and charged differently. One consists of vehicles with less than nine seats and trucks weighing up to 1.5 tonnes, and the other of vehicles with 10-16 seats and trucks weighing 1.5 to 2.5 tonnes, with the latter being charged higher.

The new rates will apply on 35 streets where parking is allowed on roadsides in Districts 1, 3, 5, 10 and 11.

Bui Xuan Cuong, director of the city Department of Transport, said the increase could cause a reduction in the number of vehicles parked on roads and encourage the use of public transport in the city centre, easing congestion there. — VNS