A doctor of the HCM City Traditional Medicine and Pharmacy Institute instructs French students on Vietnamese traditional medicine. — Photo www.sggp.org.vn

Accordingly, learners are taught knowledge about acupuncture to relieve pain for cancer patients, acupressure massage, qigong exercises for the spine, cupping, catgut embedding therapy, medicine covering, and traditional breathing exercises. 

Trương Thị Ngọc Lan, deputy director of the HCM City Traditional Medicine and Pharmacy Institute, said the institute is a prestigious and high-quality organisation in the southern and Tây Nguyên (Central Highlands) regions for students in the field to practise their theoretical lessons.

The institute also offers training sessions for foreigners who wish to learn more about Vietnamese traditional medicine to take care of themselves and their families via a combination of traditional and modern medicine, she said.

For the past few years, short-term training courses for foreigners have been held annually by the institute, welcoming learners from many nations, including France, Switzerland, the US and Italy.

This activity aims to develop the city's academic tourism (short-term training in certain treatment techniques of traditional medicine) in the field of healthcare tourism. — VNS