The Party Committee in Ho Chi Minh City announced Party Chief Nguyen Thien Nhan’s decision to invite lecturers from University of Technology and scientists, experts to partake in Tan Son Nhat Airport expansion project.


Golf course should be taken back for expasion project, according to voters and scientists


In his document to relevant agencies and People’s Committee in Tan Binh District, Deputy Chairman of HCMC People’s Committee Le Van Khoa ordered bodies to implement Party Chief Nguyen Thien Nhan’s decision on the expansion project of Tan Son Nhat Airport.

According to People’s Committee plan, in the end of July, research team of the project will present the outline with the participation of the Ministry of Transport, the Government Office, and aviation agencies.

One month later, related agencies, scientists and experts will be invited to listen to the report of the project outline for the second time.

Then, in early September, People’s Committee will submit its report of the project to the Prime Minister. The Department of Transport is assigned to connect with related agencies, scientists and write content of what scientists should do.

In addition, the Department will help People’s Committee to ask for the Prime Minister’s approval of sending a mission team to two airports in Bangkok and Hong Kong (China) for studying the two foreign airports’ model and working mechanism for expansion of Tan Son Nhat Airport.

Moreover, the Department will work with the Department of Planning and Architecture, People’s Committee in Tan Binh District and the research team on traffic system to connect with surrounding areas as per the expansion project.

The Ministry of Defense has handed over 21 hectare of land in the South of the airport, so the next steps are that the Ministry of Transport will plan to build terminal, taxiway and runway for Tan Son Nhat expansion. Additionally, relevant agencies planned to build more exit and entrance into the airport through Hoang Hoa Tham Street to connect Cong Hoa Street.

Expansion to the South is controversial. Voters, scientists, experts petitioned that the airport should be expanded to the North in the golf course. Party Chief Nguyen Thien Nhan petitioned the Prime Minister not to approve the expansion project as per the Ministry of Transport’s proposal.

Party Chief Nhan had meetings with scientists and experts namely Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thien Tong, an expert in aviation engineering of the University of Technology; airport former director Phan Tuong, pilot and former deputy director of Vietnam Airlines Nguyen Thanh Trung; architect Ngo Viet Nam Son on the expansion project.

In the meeting with Tan Cang Sai Gon Company on the golf course in the airport on July 12, Defense Minister General Ngo Xuan Lich, said that since the beginning of the year, constructions in the golf course had stopped. The Ministry of Defense is willing to hand over the land for expansion project if the government requires.

However, reclaiming the golf course must ensure enterprise’s benefit, said General Lich.