HCM City authorities are planning to publicly name those who urinate in public and are letting local authorities use CCTV street security camera images to apply fines.



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The proposals were from the Department of Natural Resources and Environment in an attempt to tackle public urination in the city. It suggested giving the responsibility and authority to the urban order management and construction inspections. The fines will be used to maintain the operation of the teams.

Only the special environmental protection team and police are allowed to use images from security cameras in public urination fines. However, the issue receives little attention due to a lack of staff. 

The department asked to let the locality authorities also use images from security cameras. According to the department, the authorities need support from the public to effectively prevent public urination so would be necessary to publicly shame the violators.

It also asked the HCM City authorities to have regulations against illegal dumping as it was not regulated in Resolution 155 about environmental protection fines.

The Department of Natural Resources and Environment asked related agencies to provide opinions by August 27 so that they could complete and submit report to the HCM City People's Committee.

Nguoi Lao Dong/Dtinews