HCM City will organise fireworks displays at eight locations to celebrate the Lunar New Year Festival.


Vice Chairwoman of HCM City Nguyen Thi Thu said on January 28 that they would have fireworks at eight locations, two of which would be high-altitude displays. Besides Thu Thiem Tunnel, this year, a high-altitude firework display will be held at the Landmark 81.

According to Thu, the investor proposed the new location and would fund the display. People in Binh Thanh District and District 2 should have a better view of the fireworks better with this new location.

HCM City authorities will have six 15-minute low-altitude firework displays. The fireworks will be organised at the administrative centre of Can Gio , Dam Sen Park, Ben Duoc Memorial Temple, Ethnic Culture Historical Park, Hiep Phuoc Industrial Zone and Military Command of Binh Chanh District.

Thu said the funding for the fireworks would come from the private sector. The HCM City High Command of the People's Army will handle the fireworks at new locations.
