It is very easy to see advertising or leaflets in every corner of HCM City despite of a ban and heavier fines.

Under Decree 28/2017 issued by the government in May this year, anyone found to be hanging advertising boards on trees, electric poles or traffic lights will be fined up to VND10 million (USD439), five times higher than the previous regulation. 

Firms that use this service will also be subject to the same fine.

However, little has changed.  


Pham Van Tri Street in Go Vap District is full of adverts  


Traffic signs on Duong Quang Ham Street are also covered with advertisements  



Pham Van Dong, one of the nicest streets in HCM City, is often used to advertise real estate projects and loan services


Authorities of Binh Chanh Ward, Thu Duc District, have to remove advertising on Pham Van Dong Street up to three times per day


Most of trees, poles and traffic signs on Hanoi Highway have advertising posters  



It is almost impossible to find a place in HCM City without illegal advertisements

On Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Street

Bridges in HCM City are in the same situation 


Leaflets seen along Hoang Dieu Street 


At a transformer station
