Saigon Newport Corporation on Monday said that the company would cut down cargo receiving and delivery time at Cat Lai port to reduce traffic jam in the area.


Cargo containers gathering at Cat Lai seaport, District 2, HCMC 

A container truck will be permitted to stay in the port within 100 minutes per goods delivery or receiving trip. It will be 150 minutes for out of gauge cargo. 

If trucks stay longer than the above time, they must pay VND50,000 an hour. They must pay VND 25,000 for an extra parking less than 30 minutes and VND50,000 for more than 30 minutes. 

The fee aims to cope with traffic jam in and outside Cat Lai port, District 2, shorten cargo handling time and limit danger and insecurity at the port. 

According to statistics, about 17,000 trucks comprising 13,000 container trucks travel in and out the port a day. Peak time sees up to 21,000 trucks. 

Many container lories have not left the port after delivering or receiving goods and parked in internal roads and yards at the port, making traffic jam more serious. 

Since early this year, the Department of Transport has coordinated with Saigon Newport Corporation to organize traffic in the entrance gateway to the port, encourage businesses to apply online procedures for cargo delivery and receiving and make payment on the internet, use information technology to improve cargo handling process at the port. 

The city has arranged personnel to regulate traffic at An Phu and My Thuy intersections and Nguyen Thi Dinh and Dong Van Cong streets; strictly handle vehicles for wrong parking along routes to the port and overloading.