Ho Chi Minh City hopes to expand cooperation with the French-speaking Wallonie - Bruxelles region of Belgium, especially in urban transport, high technology, and health care, Chairman of the municipal People’s Committee Nguyen Thanh Phong has said.

Chairman of the municipal People’s Committee Nguyen Thanh Phong (R) receivesMinister-President of the Federation Wallonie -Bruxelles Rudy Demotte

During his reception for the visiting Minister-President of the Federation Wallonie -Bruxelles Rudy Demotte in HCM City on September 17, Phong affirmed that the municipal authorities and agencies are willing to support the Wallonia Export and Investment Agency (Awex)’s office in the city, in order to further boost economic ties between the two sides.

He also highlighted increasing cooperation between Vietnam and Belgium since the Wallonie - Bruxelles Delegation was established in Hanoi 20 years ago, saying that the bilateral relations has been strengthened in many fields in recent years.

HCM City and Belgium also recorded encouraging outcomes in their ties, focusing on seaport development, training and environmental protection, he noted, expressing his hope that the Belgium side will continue providing official development assistance (ODA) capital to HCM City to help it continuously implement canal dredging projects.

For his part, Rudy Demotte said all investment projects of the Wallonie - Bruxelles region in Vietnam, which were mainly in training medical staff, supplying modern equipment in hospitals, transport, technical support and vocational training, cultural and art development, have brought benefit to both sides.

The Wallonie - Bruxelles’ experts learned from their Vietnamese counterparts’ experience through the projects, he added.

He suggested the two sides step up cooperation through specific projects, especially in culture and economy.

During his stay, Rudy Demotte and his entourage visited several universities, colleges and vocational schools, and a project on flooding prevention in the city.

Rudy Demotte was on an official visit to Vietnam to attend activities marking the 20 th founding anniversary of the Wallonie - Bruxelles delegation to Vietnam.