HCM City police are investigating a shooting which has killed a man and injured another.


The scene of the incident

The case happened on the afternoon of June 3 on National Highway 1 section running through District 12.

According to the initial information, at around 3 pm, Tran Van Kiet, 21, from the central province of Quang Nam was transporting his friend on his motorbike on National Highway 1, when they saw a group of around 30 young men who were moving in the same direction.

When Kiet and his friend were approaching the group, two other people tried to overtake the group and then opened fire using a shotgun to shoot the group. A bullet hit Kiet’s head, causing him serious injuries.

Kiet later died at hospital, while his friend faced light injuries. 

After leaving school, Kiet left his hometown for HCM City to earn his living.
