The Management Board of the Ho Chi Minh City-based Saigon High-tech Park on March 29 handed over an investment licence to the Tay San Gon (Western Sai Gon) Vocational College to construct a 25-million-USD technology transfer centre in the city. 


A corner of the Saigon High-tech Park

Covering an area of 17,550 sq.m in the park, the Wesgo centre is designed to foster international cooperation, knowledge access, technology transfer, and application of new technologies in domestic production. 

Basing on studying and applying advanced techniques, the centre will develop concentrated and intensive science research activities, while encouraging pilot study and production of new products with high technology content. 

Nearly 10.6 million USD out of the total investment will be used to purchase modern equipment serving technological study, application and transfer, and training activities in the centre, especially in terms of automation, new materials, precision mechanics, biotechnology, wastewater and solid waste treatment, and environmental protection. 

Once operational, the Wesgo centre will spend 24.5 percent of its annual revenue on research and development activities. 

Work on the centre is scheduled to begin in late 2017 and finish in the third quarter of 2019.