HCM City authorities in District 12 have said they had seen some positive results after asking localities authorities to close dog slaughterhouses in the area.



The authorities in Trung My Tay Ward check on a dog trading store

District 12 People's Committee office chief Nguyen Huu Hiep said they started tightening their grip over the dog slaughterhouses and trading stores since September 2016 but didn't succeed.

In June 2017, they continued to ask authorities in 11 wards to inspect and deal with the trading stores and gained positive results.

Hiep said, "There used to be nine dog trading stores in just one residential area in Trung My Tay Ward alone. Now the number has been reduced to five. The number of slaughterhouses has also been reduced from 11 to three. We'll continue to deal with other establishments in the coming time."

They also have to deal with a dog gathering spot in Tan Chanh Ward several times before they could shut it down.

They are also calling for dog meat restaurant owners to switch to other jobs. "Most of the trading spots on To Ky Street in Tan Chanh Hiep Ward and Tran Thi Co Street in Thoi An Ward have been closed now," he said.

Hanoi authorities recently called on people to give up eating dog meat to improve the city's image and prevent the spreading of diseases including rabies, cholera and spirillosis caused by eating dog and cat meat.

plhcm, dtinews