HCMC has asked the Prime Minister for approval to carry out a sewer system upgrade project in the downtown area, which would cost a total of VND570 billion (US$25.19 million).


A road in HCMC is heavily inundated after rain. HCMC has asked the Prime Minister for approval to carry out a sewer system upgrade project in the downtown area

Of the total capital, VND540 billion would be sourced from by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

If approval is forthcoming, the city would upgrade four kilometers of deteriorating sewer in districts 1 and 3 and other parts in the city center to prevent cave-ins, reduce flooding induced by rain and flood tides, and rehabilitate the environment. The project is expected to be implemented from 2017 to 2020.

Pipe jacking technology would be used for the project as the traditional method of excavation, plus construction fencing, can affect business and household activities around construction sites, said environmentalists. HCMC Urban Drainage Co Ltd has utilized pipe jacking technology in water drainage projects since 2012.

In downtown HCMC, more than 100 kilometers of old sewer under Pasteur, Dong Khoi, Ly Tu Trong, Pho Duc Chinh and Le Cong Kieu streets needs improving.

The city has more areas prone to rain-triggered flooding as the sewers are too old to drain water as quickly as before.

The city expects to build an additional 6,000 kilometers of sewer as the current 2,500 kilometers can meet only 43% of drainage demand.