The first exhibition in HCM City to feature photographs of female nudes opened yesterday at the HCM City Fine Arts Association.


Photographer Hao Nhien at Tao Tac (The Beauty) is displaying 50 of his photos of female nudes at the HCM City Fine Arts Association. 

Photographer Hao Nhien’s 50 black-and-white works for the Tao Tac (Beauty) exhibition were selected from his collection of more than 500 photos.

“In Viet Nam, nude photography evokes conflicting opinions from the public,” said Nhien, a dancer who has more than 20 years of experience in photography.

“I began to challenge myself in the art form five years ago. I’ve worked very hard to highlight the beauty of the female body,” he said. “You can see meaningful images of hands and legs that reveal how dancers create their art.”

Veteran painter Uyen Huy, chairman of the Fine Arts Association, said at the exhibition’s opening ceremony that the works showed Nhien’s love and respect for women.

“His pictures have captured the hearts of viewers,” he said.

Photographer Nguyen A, who is also involved in shooting nudes, said the Tạo Tác exhibition would help Nhiên and his colleagues promote the art to the public. 

Nhien and A are just two of many photographers who have faced preconceived ideas from society about their nude photos.

In 2007, works from Springtime by Thai Phien, a photobook of nudes shot by photographer Thai Phien of HCM City, were shown at an exhibition in the city.

The Viet Nam Association of Photographic Artists gave the book an award, while the Voice of Ho Chi Minh City recognised the book as one of the city’s top 10 cultural events of 2008.

Later, Phien was unable to hold a similar exhibition of his nude photos in Hanoi and Hue.

Nhien’s exhibition at the Fine Arts Association, located at 218 Pasteur Street in District 3, will close on September 18.