The Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) Department of Information and Communications has just proposed to the HCMC People’s Committee receiving feedback from citizens via a social network besides the current system of the hotline 1022.


The information channels to receive feedback on problems with technical infrastructure in HCMC

The information channels to receive feedback on problems with technical infrastructure in HCMC

It has also volunteered to prepare a clear procedure for the task of accepting, processing, and then delivering response to all comments of citizens on the Fanpage 1022.

Accordingly, in order to diversify feedback channels for urban residents, the DIC will create a Facebook/Fanpage besides the traditional hotline 1022.

Therefore, along with the current feedback channels of making telephone calls, sending short messages, sending emails, accessing the information gate, and using an app on mobile devices, citizens can now leave a comment for the 1022 system on its Facebook Fanpage.

It is expected that after connecting their own Facebook account with the 1022’s Fanpage, urban residents can timely report any problems related to technical infrastructure around the city.

An operator will then verify all feedback to erase imprecise ones and send the rest to correspondent agencies just like other feedback channels do.

After these comments are processed, the operator will update results onto the Fanpage of 1022 for citizens.