The People’s Court of HCM City yesterday handed a 12-year jail sentence to customs officer Nguyen Truong Duy for receiving bribes amounting to nearly VNĐ550 million (US$23,900).


Defendant Nguyen Truong Duy at the court. - Photo

Duy, 49, is a former officer of the customs management force under the HCM City Customs Department. He was accused of receiving bribes from 50 enterprises to ’turn a blind eye’ to customs checks of their commodities at Cát Lái Port of Linh Trung Export Processing Zone.

Police seized 64 envelopes and paper packages at the house of Duy’s mother in HCM City’s District 1. The money amounted to more than VNĐ964 million ($41,900). Among them were 40 envelopes worth over VNĐ541 million ($23,500), identified as bribes from 50 enterprises. The origin of the remaining money has not been identified.

The seized money was added to State budget.

According to the HCM City People’s Procuracy, Bui Thanh Chung, deputy head of the customs management force, failed to complete his task of fighting smuggling and trade fraud. Found to have committed a series of violations, he was still promoted to deputy head of the Customs Branch of Linh Trung Export Processing Zone.

The judge panel asked the city’s People’s Procuracy and Ministry of Public Security to continue their investigation to clarify Chung’s responsibilities related to Duy’s violations.

The authorities of the city’s customs agency must be accountable for managing public servants in this case. — VNS