The police of District 2, Ho Chi Minh City, arrested and detained the group who robbed a foreign couple just 4 hours after the robbery.


The gangsters

After receiving a report of the foreign couple about a group of robber young men riding motorcycles in An Phu ward, district 2, HCMC, the anti-Criminal Police in District 2 arrested 3 suspects including Nguyen Hoang Minh (commonly known as "Minh Meo", the gangster head, 1995), Le Hoang Minh Ba (or "Hai Banh", 1993) and Doan Van Duc (1996), to investigate acts of "robbery" of foreign tourists.

Accordingly, around 2 am on June 14, Thomas B. (1990, Belgian nationality) and Ferrari Manon Fa. A. (1992, French nationality) went to a police station in district 2 to report about the robbery.

According to the two victims, about 10:30 pm of June 13, they visited a beer club on Nguyen Thi Dinh Street, Binh Trung Tay Ward, District 2, HCMC. While they were drinking beer, a young man named Minh came to make friend with them.

At about 1 am on June 13, B and A. got out of the bar and rode on their motorcycle. When approaching the empty ground near Giong Ong To Bridge, An Phu ward, district 2, HCMC, suddenly Minh riding a motorbike followed them. The two tourists did not understand anything and they were hit by Minh in the face then fell down on the road.

Suddenly two more other young men running on a motorbike came and hit the tourists, causing them to run away in panic.


Foreign couple are happy to receive back their property

After that, the gangsters opened the trunk of the motorbike and take away the assets including VND 3.5 million, mobile phones, foreign currency and personal papers.

After the incident, the police had investigated extensively the case and arrested all three men by 6 am of the same day. All the three did not confess until the police asked the two victims to identify them.

After that, the police returned all the lost assets to Ms. A. and Mr. B.

"Minh meo" had just married about 2 weeks. Due to their difficult life as they had no stable jobs, Minh Meo, Hai Banh and Duc decided to commit the robbery. Minh Meo had ever two criminal convictions of  "theft of property"; "Hai Banh" also had two convictions of "disturbing public order" and “property robbery”.