The HCM City police announced Sunday evening that they have arrested a man suspected of snatching a necklace from a Russian diplomat three months ago.


Vo Ngoc Phi was arrested on Sunday for allegedly snatching a necklace from a Russian diplomat in HCM City. - Photo courtesy of HCM City Police

Long An Province resident Vo Ngoc Phi, 27, was taken into custody for allegedly snatching a necklace from Dmitrii Alekseev on January 17, 2018.

Alekseev, who works for the Russian consulate in HCM City, said he was walking with a female companion on the sidewalk a few metres away from his office at No 40, Ba Huyen Thanh Quan Street in District 3 at around noon that day when a motorbike rider came out of nowhere, ran on the sidewalk towards the couple, and swiftly took Alekseev’s necklace as they passed each other.

The victim reported the theft to the police soon after. He also submitted a video clip from the CCTV installed at the gate of the Russian Consulate.

It showed the thief, who concealed his face with black shades and a face mask, riding away from the scene on a black Yamaha Luvias motorbike with its licence plate fully exposed.

The police released the clip to the public last Friday and arrested the suspect two days later.

Investigation into the case is still on-going.