Nam Phong Racing team from the British International School (BIS) HCMC, with sponsorship from Audi Vietnam, will represent Vietnam in the F1 in Schools STEM Challenge World Finals taking place in Singapore from September 9 to 13, 2018.


Nam Phong Racing team from BIS HCMC will compete in the F1 in Schools STEM Challenge World Finals in Singapore in September - PHOTO: COURTESY OF AUDI VIETNAM

Nam Phong Racing consists of six highly skilled and innovative International Baccalaureate students, namely Ju Ha Lee, Jonathan Le, Victoria Fethke, Jimin Oh, Trinh Vo and Hong Hanh Pham, who will show off their talent on a global scale.

Nam Phong means “Southern Wind” in Vietnamese. Wind is the vigorous force of nature and its effortless speed is what the team’s car emulates.

Although the members come from three different countries, they emphasize their identity as the only F1 in Schools team from Vietnam and pay homage to the country’s heritage and culture. Their logo represents Vietnam through the image of a water buffalo and calligraphy strokes.

Specializing in different areas, the six members of Nam Phong Racing are able to introduce the best from each of their aspects such as engineering, design and marketing.

F1 in Schools is the only global multi-disciplinary challenge in which teams of students aged 9 to 19 deploy CAD/CAM software to collaborate, design, analyze, manufacture, test and then race miniature compressed air powered balsa wood F1 cars.

The challenge inspires students to use IT to learn about physics, aerodynamics, design, manufacture, branding, graphics, sponsorship, marketing, leadership, teamwork, media skills and financial strategy, and apply them in a practical, imaginative, competitive and exciting way.

Since 2015, Vietnam has joined the F1 in Schools competition with such teams as Helios (2015), Doppler Racing (2016), Photon Racing (2017) and now Nam Phong Racing (2018) whose members are all students at BIS HCMC.

In 2016, Audi Vietnam sponsored Doppler Racing which won the Best Newcomer Award and second position for the Autodesk Fusion Pressure challenge.

Nam Phong Racing’s participation in this year’s competition aims to provide opportunities for future engineers and scientists to apply their knowledge in real life and encourage the community to take part in science and engineering.