HCMC Chairman Phan Van Mai has told the Transport Department to step up streetside car parking fee collections in central districts, and take punitive actions against those who evade paying the fee.

The municipal department is responsible for mapping out a scheme to handle violations in designated areas in collaboration with the HCMC Police, districts 1, 5 and 10, and Voluntary Youth Public Benefit Service Co. Ltd., the last-named being the service provider.

Images of wrongly parked vehicles as well as other violations will be sent to the HCMC Police and relevant authorities as the basis for sanctions.

The streetside car parking service was launched in August 2018, allowing cars to park along 23 streets in HCMC. However, the number has now been reduced to 20 streets in districts 1, 5 and 10, such as Le Loi, Hai Ba Trung, An Duong Vuong, Le Hong Phong and Truong Dinh.

Drivers are advised to download the My Parking mobile app to use the service, and will be charged a progressive rate starting from VND20,000-VND25,000 in the first hour.

Previously, the service provider reported that in 2021, it obtained parking fees totaling only VND2 billion compared to the operating cost of some VND10 billion, or a loss of VND7.9 billion, as many drivers managed to evade the fee payment.

Vietnam, Cuba seek stronger ties in hydrometeorology, environment, circular economy

Deputy Minister of Environment and Natural Resources Le Cong Thanh held talks with Cuban Deputy Minister of Science, Technology and Environment Adianez Taboada during his visit to Cuba from September 5–9.

The visit aimed to boost cooperation in hydrometeorology, environment and circular economy between the two countries.

Thanh said the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the implementation of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on cooperation in environment protection and climate change response that the Vietnamese Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MoNRE) and the Cuban Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (CITMA) signed in March 2018.

He suggested the two ministries should actively exchange to develop specific plans relevant to the new situation.

The deputy minister asked for CITMA’s support in the implementation of scientific and technological tasks under a protocol on studying current state of surface water and saline intrusion forecast in the Cauto River basin as a basis for recommending solutions for rice production expansion and water supply improvement.

The protocol is a cooperation programme between the MoNRE’s Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the CITMA’s National Institute of Hydraulic Resources (INRH) within the framework of the Vietnam-Cuba Inter-governmental Committee in economic and science-technology cooperation. The implementation of the programme is on track and will go on until January 2024, he informed.

For her part, Deputy Minister Adianez Taboada said CITMA highly values the partnership with the Vietnamese ministry and that she expects the two sides will beef up collaboration in strengthening waste management and developing circular economy.

She further noted that Cuba has great potential for solar power so it wants to step up ties with Vietnam in expanding renewable energy.

The two officials agreed that in the coming time, the two ministries will consider holding technical meetings via video teleconference to exchange information and experience in potential areas of cooperation.

Vietnam most favourite Southeast Asian destination among Cambodians

Vietnam has become the most favourite destination in Southeast Asia among Cambodian travellers since the beginning of 2022, Cambodian-based electronic news outlet Thmeythmey reported on September 10.

Cambodian tourist arrivals to Vietnam in the first eight months of 2022 tripled figure in the same period of 2019 recorded before the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the news site said.

More than 80,000 Cambodians travelled to Vietnam from January-August, the highest among ASEAN nations. Singapore came second for welcoming 68,000 Cambodia visitors, followed by Thailand (61,000) and Malaysia (53,000).

Cambodians mostly visited Vietnam for tourism, medical services, family visit and trade along the shared border areas.

Vietnamese culture, tourism promoted in Malaysia

The Vietnam – Malaysia Business Association (VMBIZ) hosted an exhibition promoting Vietnamese culture, arts and destinations within the framework of a celebration of Malaysia – Japan diplomatic relations on September 10 – 11.

It also formed part of a series of events to mark the 40th anniversary of the Look East Policy (LEP) initiated by Malaysia in 1982.

The event saw the attendance of a number of cultural and tourism experts from Malaysia, Japan and regional countries.

The Vietnam display consisted of three zones, one for “ao dai” (Vietnamese traditional gown), one for popular tourist destinations across Vietnam and products of national flag carrier Vietnam Airlines, and the third for Vietnamese specialties such as tea, coffee and Moon cakes.

An ao dai fashion show was also organised, attracting great attention of visitors.

VMBIZ Vice President Nguyen Thi Thanh Van said the celebration event is a good opportunity for Vietnam to popularise its culture, arts and destinations among people from regional countries. It also provides lessons for the preparation of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam – Malaysia diplomatic ties next year, she said.

Memorial house for Vietnamese volunteer soldiers launched in Cambodia

A 600-sqm memorial house where remains of Vietnamese volunteer soldiers dying in battle in Cambodia will be kept was inaugurated in the north-western province of Battambang on September 10.

Starting two months ago, the facility's construction was funded by Metfone, the Cambodia-based affiliate of military-run telecom group Viettel, and MB Bank in Cambodia.

It forms part of activities to commemorate the 55th anniversary of the two countries’ diplomatic relations.

The project’s launching ceremony was attended by Vietnamese Ambassador to Cambodia Nguyen Huy Tang and General Ek Som Oun, deputy commander of the Cambodian Royal Army and Commander of the Military Region 5.

Ambassador Tang expressed his thanks to Cambodian authorities and people for providing all possible conditions for the construction of the memorial house, a worship place to pay tribute to Vietnamese volunteer soldiers killed in Cambodia.

He expected the Cambodian side to continue supporting Vietnam in searching for and repatriating the soldiers.

General Ek Som Oun, for his part, showed his gratitude towards the Vietnamese Party, military and people for helping Cambodia topple the Pol Pot genocidal regime and revive the country.

Vietnam Festival in Kanagawa returns after two years

The Vietnam Festival in Japan’s Kanagawa prefecture opened in Yokohama city on September 10 with the participation of a large number of people from both countries.

Kanagawa Governor Yuji Kuroiwa expressed his delight that the festival has returned after a two-year hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic’s impacts, hoping the event would be warmly welcomed and help connect people in his prefecture and Japan at large with Vietnam.

Vietnamese Ambassador to Japan Vu Hong Nam said first held in 2015, the Vietnam Festival in Kanagawa has become one of the annual cultural exchange events to help enhance mutual understanding between the two peoples through cultural, musical and culinary exchanges, thereby further popularise images of Vietnam’s land, people, culture, and history to Japanese friends.

The festival has also helped strengthen solidarity and friendship, thus contributing to development cooperation in all aspects between the two countries, he added.

During the two-day event, visitors had a chance to enjoy musical performances by Vietnamese and Japanese artists and taste traditional dishes of the Southeast Asian nation. An eloquence contest for international students in Kanagawa was also held.

Located to the south of Tokyo, Kanagawa is the second most populous prefecture in Japan with a population of over 9.2 million. The number of Vietnamese people in the prefecture has been on the rise in recent years, making them the third largest foreign communities in this prefecture, after those from China and the Republic of Korea.

PM requests PetroVietnam ensure energy sufficiency

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh requested that the Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (PetroVietnam) ensure energy sufficiency during a working session on September 11 to seek ways for accelerating some key projects and solving difficulties facing the firm.

PetroVietnam General Director Le Manh Hung said the group has continued affirming its role in Vietnam’s economy by helping guarantee the national energy, food, economic, and sovereignty security and contributing to the State budget.

In 2021, PetroVietnam contributed 112.5 trillion VND (nearly 4.8 billion USD) to the State budget, up 80% from the year’s target and 36% from 2020. The contribution stood at 90.6 trillion VND in the first eight months of 2022, up 40% from this year’s target and 45% from last year.

Production and business activities remain stable, with the exploited crude oil volume 23% higher than the eight-month plan and equivalent to 84% of this year’s target, Hung noted.

He also pointing out certain difficulties and obstacles to the group and proposed several solutions to the Government and the PM.

Policies on overseas Vietnamese discussed at webinar

Vietnamese Ambassador to France Dinh Toan Thang and representatives from Vietnamese associations in France joined a webinar of overseas Vietnamese (OV) in Europe on policies on overseas Vietnamese on September 9.

Ambassador Thang affirmed at the webinar that policies and laws on OV have constantly been revised or built to meet the needs of Vietnamese communities abroad, particularly those related to ensuring their legitimate rights and interests, and facilitating their engagement in the home country’s national development and unity as well as in developing ties between Vietnam and other countries.

The ambassador also pointed out problems emerging when the embassy handles tasks related to nationality and resident registration, and proposed possible solutions.

Can Van Kiet, representing the Association of Vietnamese in France, said OVs hope for adjustments to the policy on Vietnamese nationality, the grant of ID card and ownership of property in Vietnam to meet the wish and legitimate rights of OVs, especially those who are born and grow up abroad.

On behalf of AVSE Global, Le Vo Phuong Nga talked about the need of revising land policies with a view to attracting investment and outside resources into Vietnam.

An OV in France, Ly Kieu Thu, urged the Vietnamese State to design specific policies to support the teaching of the mother tongue to overseas Vietnamese children in general and in France in particular.

Top legislator offers sympathy to Pakistan over flood losses

National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue has sent a letter of sympathy to Chairman of the Senate of Pakistan Muhammad Sadiq Sanjrani and Speaker of the National Assembly of Pakistan Raja Pervez Ashraf over grave human and property losses caused by floods in the country.

Heavy floods since mid-June has claimed the lives of 1,396 and injured 12,728 people, Pakistan’s National Disaster Management Authority reported on September 9.

A total 1,743,345 houses were destroyed.

Vietnam works hard on early disaster warning

Heavy rain forecasting and early warning systems are being focused on to mitigate the effects of floods, flash floods, landslides and inundation, according to Director of the National Centre for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting Mai Van Khiem.

Natural disasters are becoming more unpredictable and extreme due to climate change, causing more extensive damage to people and property.

Vietnam has seen increasingly unpredictable natural disasters this year, with non-seasonal rains and flooding accompanied by thunderstorms, strong winds and storms.

To improve forecasting, weather forecasters have extended natural disaster warnings to 10 days.

Seasonal forecasting has also been extended. The sector has a newsletter identifying natural disasters issued twice a year.

Forecasts of storms and tropical depressions are issued three or five days in advance, forecasts of heavy rain two or three days, and warnings for thunderstorms released from 30 minutes to two hours. Severe cold spells are forecast five to seven days in advance.

A detailed warning map of flash floods and landslides has been developed at district level in order to inform regions when there is heavy rain.

Workshop talks legal policies for Overseas Vietnamese

A workshop on legal policies with the Vietnamese community in Europe was held on September 9 in both online and offline formats.

Co-hosted by the National Assembly’s Committee for External Relations and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' State Commission for Overseas Vietnamese Affairs (SCOV), the event was linked between Hanoi with the UK, France, Germany, Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Russia.

Speaking at the event, Vice Chairman of the NA's Committee for External Relations Nguyen Manh Tien expressed his wish to listen to OV people's opinions about policies and laws for the Vietnamese communities abroad, considering them an important reference to perfect laws, thus simplifying administrative procedures, meeting their aspirations and creating favourable conditions for them to return home, do business and invest in the home country.

FM: Vietnam considers EU one of top important partners

Vietnamese Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son has affirmed that Vietnam always considers the European Union (EU) one of its top important economic and development partners.

During a reception in Hanoi on September 9 for Chairman of the European Parliament (EP)’s Committee on International Trade (INTA) Bernd Lange, Son stressed that Vietnam seriously delivers on commitments in the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA), including those regarding sustainable development.

He added that Vietnam will continue perfecting its law related to labour as well as follow international commitments to which it is a member.

The host suggested both sides continue deepening bilateral ties via increasing the exchange of high-level delegations, effectively implementing existing cooperation mechanisms, accelerating the approval of the EU-Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement, and expanding coordination in climate change, innovation, green and digital transformation, sustainable development, renewable energy, health care and food security.

He wished they would continue working effectively together at multilateral forums, including the ASEAN-EU framework. He also welcomed the EU’s cooperation within the Mekong framework.

Lange, for his part, affirmed that the EP, including the INTA, will continue supporting Vietnam in delivering on commitments in the EVFTA as well as in expanding collaboration in sustainable development.

Two-way trade has thrived with an annual growth of 15 percent, making Vietnam the top trade partner of the EU in ASEAN.

Prime Minister welcomes Chairman of EP’s Committee on International Trade

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh received Chairman of the European Parliament (EP)’s Committee on International Trade (INTA) Bernd Lange in Hanoi on September 9, affirming that trade - investment cooperation is an important pillar in the Vietnam - EU relations.

The host leader highlighted Vietnam’s foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, and diversification and multilateralisation of international relations, of which the EU is an important partner of the country.

He applauded strides in the Vietnam - EU comprehensive partnership and cooperation, noting that after two years of enforcing the EU - Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA), bilateral trade has grown continually while the EU’s investment into the Southeast Asian nation has also been on the rise.

PM Chinh asked the EU to continue creating favourable conditions for Vietnamese goods to enter its market, and urged its member states to soon finalise the ratification of the EU - Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA) so as to further promote bilateral economic ties.

He called on the bloc to soon lift the “yellow card” warning and continue providing technical assistance for the country to eradicate illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing.

The Vietnamese Government always creates a fair and stable investment environment and is ready to listen to opinions to improve administrative procedures and legal regulations in order to provide optimal conditions for foreign investors, including those from the EU, he affirmed, adding that the country will continue seriously and fully implementing the commitments in the EVFTA, including the ones on sustainable development.

The PM recommended the two sides to increase mutual visits and meetings at all levels while maintaining and effectively bringing into play cooperation and dialogue mechanisms to enhance mutual understanding and identify cooperation orientations for the time ahead.

He also asked the EU to strengthen ties with Vietnam in climate change response, sustainable development, green transition, and renewable energy.

On this occasion, the government leader underlined Vietnam’s support for the reinforcement of the ASEAN - EU strategic partnership.

For his part, Lange noted Vietnam is one of the EU’s important partners in the region, and the EP always supports stronger bilateral cooperation in all spheres, especially when the EU is carrying out many policies oriented towards the Indo-Pacific region, including Vietnam.

He highly valued the country’s efforts to seriously implement the commitments in the EVFTA, thus helping to effectively carry out the deal and create momentum for bilateral trade and investment ties in the time ahead.

The official held that Vietnam has an attractive investment climate amid global uncertainties, and agreed to coordinate with the country to promote EU members’ ratification of the EVIPA.

Lange also spoke highly the prospect of cooperation with Vietnam in climate change response, environmental protection, green growth, and energy transition.

The EU is implementing many green transition strategies and initiatives, he noted, voicing his belief that the two sides will have many successful cooperation projects in this regard.

In terms of the energy transition partnership between Vietnam and the Group of Seven (G7), he said the EU is actively working with the UK to step up the establishment of this mechanism.

Cần Thơ to build urgent erosion prevention embankments

The city of Cần Thơ People’s Committee has decided to urgently build two embankment projects to curb erosion along two canals in Phong Điền and Vĩnh Thạnh districts.

One embankment will be 80m long along the Rạch Sung Canal in Phong Điền’s Nhơn Nghĩa Commune and the other is 70m long along the Cái Sắn Canal in Vĩnh Thạnh’s Vĩnh Trinh Commune.

They will cost a total of VNĐ13 billion (US$550,000) from the city’s budget and be built in 2022 – 2023.

The city has petitioned the National Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control and relevant ministries to allocate about VNĐ750 billion ($31.5 million) to build four urgent erosion prevention embankment projects.

The four embankments will have a total length of 5,150m and will be built at the Trà Nóc and Bình Thuỷ rivers in Bình Thuỷ District and the Cái Sắn River in Vĩnh Thạnh District.

More Hanoi karaokes suspended for fire safety violations

Twenty-seven more karaoke parlours in Hanoi have been suspended for fire safety violations.

Hanoi police are investigating fire safety standards at local karaokes following Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh’s instructions after the recent deadly karaoke fire in Binh Duong.

Since mid-August, 27 additional karaoke parlours in Hanoi have been suspended for fire safety-related problems. They have also been fined a total of VND1 billion (USD43,103).

After finishing the investigation on September 20, the police will release the details of the businesses to the media.

Colonel Pham Trung Hieu, head of the Hanoi Department of Fire Prevention and Control and Rescue Police Office, said that any karaokes violating fire safety regulations would be strictly punished.

Hanoi is home to 1,400 karaokes, but 58 percent violate fire safety requirements. Among those, 426 have pledged to deal with the problems, while another 326 that are unable to meet the standards have been suspended.

Hanoi displays 29 royal treasures

Hanoi has selected 29 outstanding artifacts from among the millions of artifacts unearthed at Thang Long Imperial Citadel to introduce to the public.
On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage and the 20-year restoration and promotion of Thang Long Imperial Citadel, the Thang Long - Hanoi Heritage Conservation Centre in collaboration with the Institute of Imperial Citadel Studies organised an exhibition space with the theme "Royal Treasures of the Thang Long Imperial Palace".

Through the exhibition space, the visitors have the chance to enjoy the beauty of 29 typical and unique antiques in the Thang Long Imperial Palace.

These are important utensils and items, serving from daily life to banquets of the king and the court on great occasions.

In addition, the exhibition also introduced several pieces of jewellery, utensils decorated in gold, and utensils and swords symbolising power or imperial orders.

These artifacts are divided into three exhibition spaces: a space to introduce artifacts from Ly-Tran dynasties; a space to introduce artifacts from the early Le, Mac, and Le Trung Hung (Restored Le) dynasties; and an exhibition space for artifacts that were being introduced to the public for the first time, such as the largest Tran Dynasty terracotta pots ever and the green enamel architectural model of the early Le Dynasty.

In particular, this is the first time 3D mapping projection technology that simulates the unique patterns of artifacts has been introduced so that visitors can better recognise the beauty and elegance of the ceramics used in the Thang Long royal palace.

The combination of static and dynamic display methods along with the use of artistic lighting and 3D mapping technology has created an attractive effect, helping the public to fully feel the beauty and special value of the royal treasures.

Can Gio fishermen hold whale worshipping festival

Fishermen in Ho Chi Minh City’s outlying district of Can Gio held their annual Nghinh Ong (Whale Worshipping) Festival on September 9.

Taking place until September 11, the event features various activities including folk games, a competition of playing football on stilts, a contest on making fishing nets, a lion dance, and art performances.

Visitors can also take part in spiritual ceremonies such as an incense offering at Ong Thuy Tuong Temple (Temple Worshiping the Whale) and a palanquin procession from the temple to the sea and return.

Within the framework of the festival, the local authorities presented gifts to children with difficulties in Can Gio District on the occasion of Mid-Autumn Festival.

Nghinh Ong Festival was first organised in 1913 to show fishermen’s respect for the whale and pray for favourable weather conditions and a bumper catch for their sea trips.

The festival was recognised as a national intangible cultural heritage by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism in 2013.

Source: VNA/SGT/VNS/VOV/Dtinews/SGGP/VGP/Hanoitimes