Head coach of the national football team Park Hang Seo returned to Viet Nam yesterday to prepare for the AFF Suzuki Cup 2018.


Heach coach Park Hang Seo and his team are aiming for AFF Suzuki Cup. — Photo vov.vn

After taking fourth place at ASIAD 2018, the coach returned home to South Korea to spent three weeks with his family.

He and the national team will gather on October 11 in Hanoi, then head to South Korea to a beginner training programme which will last from October 13 to 28.

This is a tournament Park and his team are expected to win, after 10 years of patiently waiting.

The AFF Suzuki Cup is held every two years by the ASEAN Football Federation (AFF).

This year marks the 12th time the tournament has been organised and will run from November 8 to December 15 with newly updated rules.

10 teams will be divided into two groups, playing at home and away before the knockout stages. — VNS