High school students across the nation finished their 2018 graduation exam on June 27, with over 99% of the registered candidates sitting their exam, according to the Ministry of Education and Training (MoET).


Youth volunteer support candidates after finishing the latest test at Viet Duc High School in Hanoi on June 27. 

The ministry’s statistics announced the proportion of candidates to sit each test as follows: literature 99.55%, math 99.52%, physics 99.34%, chemistry 99.22%, biology 99.35%, foreign languages 99.63%, history 99.35%, geography 99.44% and civic education 99.56%.

During the exam, several mountainous provinces in the north suffered from heavy rains and flash floods, causing landslides and traffic jams. With all emergency response plans prepared, the local authorities actively mobilised specialised means to safely transfer almost all of the candidates in the isolated areas to the exam venues.

However, in Lai Chau and Ha Giang, the hardest hit provinces, there were still 13 candidates that could not reach their exam venues. The MoET has instructed the exam councils to survey each contestant’s condition and report promptly to the National High School Examination Committee in order to have a plan to guarantee the rights of the candidates.

On Wednesday afternoon, the ministry held a press conference to announce the close of the National Graduation Exam 2018. On the same day, it also announced the official answers for all of the tests on the ministry’s website at moet.gov.vn.

Nhan Dan