Flood tides have put some streets in HCM City under water.     

On the evening of October 8, the high tides flooded Huynh Tan Phat in District 7, badly affecting traffic. The situation has become more severe as the road is being upgraded, so construction materials and holes posed more dangers for drivers. 

Drivers on Le Van Luong in Nha Be District, Ho Hoc Lam in Binh Tan District and National Highway 50 faced similar problems.

The Southern Regional Hydrometeorological Centre has forecasted that the tides would reach their peak in HCM City on October 9-11. Due to this, the water level on the low basin of Saigon and Dong Nai rivers would sharply increase in the days to come.

Localities have been informed to take anti-flooding measures.  


Huynh Tan Phat Street faces the tides on October 8

A tree branch on Huynh Tan Phat Street warning of possible risks 



People find it hard to travel through the submerged street

Lao Dong/Dtinews